20% discount off the total bill each time a member and guests dine-in. We encourage the use of credit or debit cards for payment.
RM50 dine-in rebate will be credited back into the member’s account every month (provided that the member dines in-person at the Club). It is to encourage members to come regularly every month.
Member’s spouse gets a membership card free-of-charge and enjoys the same benefits. The supplementary card is not transferable or usable by other persons.
Prioritised usage of Club facilities – meeting rooms, dining rooms, Lobby Lounge, Bayan and the reading room. Free flow of coffee and biscuits daily at the Bayan, Level 42.
Enjoys Club affiliation with the International Associate Clubs (IAC) based in Hong Kong where almost 250 clubs worldwide are affiliated with the IAC (including eight clubs in Malaysia). Easy access to those clubs upon becoming a member of MPC.
Club members may bring their guests for the SkyBridge visit at Level 42 of Tower 2 at no additional costs, but they must dine-in at the Club before visiting the SkyBridge.
Prioritised reservations for dine-in with family and friends.
Prioritised attention on MPC’s promotions and packages.
Free Wi-Fi at the Club.
Member and spouse receive a birthday gift voucher on their birthdays.
Members of all the categories enjoy the same benefits.